Entries in Borders Festival (1)



Six of my iPhone artworks from my “Corridors of Cyberspace” series on wood will be exhibited at the FUTURE LANDSCAPES exhibition in Venice!

The FUTURE LANDSCAPES exhibition is part of the BORDERS FESTIVAL - The International Art and Architecture Festival which runs parallel to the 15th Architecture Biennale. 

I am one of the featured artists, and representing the UAE, I will be at the opening of the exhibition.


 Mobile Technology

The festival focuses on the concept of “borders“, between the soul and the body, the man and the city, the city and the ground. The festival analyzes the idea of human and urban borders, how people live them and how they are modified in contemporary society. Every human being lives in a world in which the limits, the borders, shape their attitudes and behaviors, limiting the freedom and creating a sense of alienation. The man reacts breaking the limits and finding a new way of life. We imagine a world of “liquid cities“, where differences create new possibilities and exchange possibilities, instead of being social barriers. - BORDERS | VENICE MAY-NOV 2016 

FUTURE LANDSCAPES – Human creativity always spreads all over the world. For thousands of years we have applied our imagination and inventiveness to shape our landscapes. Cities are leading to a new aesthetic change that aims to rebalance the combination of humans and nature, not only to restore natural systems and ecological integrity but also to deliver beautiful, engaging and remarkable landscape experiences. Today we face many challenges that require a big effort in mixing new frontiers to create new extraordinary places and spaces. We aim to generate future landscapes without mental and physical borders, in which the human being is completely free.  - It’s LIQUID Group 

The openings of FUTURE LANDSCAPES will be on October 06, 2016 at Palazzo Ca’ Zanardi and on October 07, 2016 at Venice Art House Gallery, starting from 06:00 PM (free entry).

For more details please see the official announcement by the It’s LIQUID Group.