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Mobgraphia Mobile Photo Festival 2024


"Strength" has been chosen to be exhibited in São Paulo, Brazil, in the Digital Arte section of the Mobgraphia Mobile Photo Festival 2024.

The exhibition is taking place in the São Paulo Musem of Image and Sound

Venue:   Museu da Imagem e do Som - MIS SP, Av. Europa, 158, Jardim Europa, São Paulo - SP - Brasil, CEP, 01449-000.

Exhibition:  17 May 2024  - 21 July 2024. 

Times:   Monday closed, Tuesday to Friday 10h00-20h00, Saturday 10h00-21h00, Sunday 10h00-19h00

This year the exhibition will not only take place in the Museum of Image and Sound in Brazil.  It will also take place in the Metaverse in Mob Gallery in Artcity

Vernissage: 17 May 2024 at 7 PM.

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