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"Bridging Worlds" in the Maro Dori Sky Palace


“Bridging Worlds”, my new solo exhibition of iPhone artworks, once again brings to light my continuous research and expression of new possibilities.

The exhibition, a celebration of the many bridges that I have already crossed on my explorations in the metaverse, will be held in the Maro Dori Sky Palace, one of the architectural wonders of the Spatial metaverse. 

Exhibtion: 1 April 2024 - 31 May 2024

Where:   Maro Dori Sky Palace, Spatial metaverse

Exhibition opening: There will be a cherry blossom viewing and exhibition celebration on 1 April 2024 at 10PM JST/9AM EST/3PM CET in Ambient Canvas Experience a Japanese style hangout with Koto music, before joining me on a journey to "Bridging Worlds". 

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