
Focus on South Africa


"Focus on South Africa", the third edition of  "Africa & the other 54 countries" will take place at the Akka Project Dubai Gallery as part of the Quoz Arts Fest

I am one of the selected artists for this event and am very happy to invite you to attend.


"Beyond Words'


iPhoneart on recycled wood

A traditional braai will be prepared for the occasion and there will also be information about travelling and exploring the country. 

Exhibition: 24 January 2020 - 28 February 2020

Opening: 24 January 2020

Time: 4-9pm

Venue: Akka Project Dubai Gallery, Al Quoz 1, Unit 8, First Al Khail Road, Dubai

Other hours: 25 January 2020, 11AM-7Pm; other days until 28 February 2020, by appointment only. 

More info about this event can be found here


Circumnavigation in the palm of the hand

I am very excited to announce that "Flashing by!" has been selected to be part of an exhibition in Portugal.  The exhibition "Circumnavigation in the palm of the hand" will take place in the cloisters of the ancient Salzedas Monastery and will feature the works of 50 mobile photographers and artists from all over the world. Thank you Mira Forum and Museu de Lamego.

Venue:       Monastery of Santa Maria de Salzedas, Praça António Pereira de Sousa 2, Salzedas, Portugal

Dates:          19 October 2019 - 23 February 2020

Opening:     19 October 2019 at 3pm.


Mobgraphia Mobile Photo Festival 2019


After being shortlisted, "At Qasr Al Watan" has been chosen to be exhibited in São Paulo, Brazil, in the Digital Arte section of the Mobgraphia Cultura Visual Mobile Photo Festival 2019. This is the 6th edition of this festival. 

The exhibition is taking place in the São Paulo Musem of Image and Sound

Venue:   Museu da Imagem e do Som - MIS SP, Av. Europa, 158 - Jardim Europa, São Paulo - SP, 01449-000, Brazil

Exhibition:  22 June 2019 to 4 August 2019. 

Times:   Monday to Saturday 10h00-20h00, Sundays and holidays 10h00 to 19h00


Mira Mobile Prize 2019 

All alone in the crowd?

I'm very happy to share that “All alone in the crowd?” has been selected as one of the 150 pieces that will be projected in the gallery in the MIRA Mobile Prize 2019 exhibition.

Venue:    MIRA FORUM, Miraflor Street 155,  Porto, Portugal

Dates:    15 June 2019 - 27 July 2019

Opening: 15 June 2019 at 4 pm


The Beauty Myth Exhibition

La bellezza é quella Energia che ognuno di noi possiede e che aspetta solo il modo di venir fuori per generare nuova Energia. E questo É Vita. - Giulia Baita, founder of the MAG Mobilart Group.

"Yet beauty has an essential intrinsic value.  Beauty, in the most general sense of the term, is beauty of soul, it is to see everything with a childish eye and be amazed at things.  The beauty myth generates curiosity and the desire to look at the world with new eyes.  Beauty is that Energy that each of us possesses and that awaits only a pathway to manifest and generate new Energy.  And this is Life." - Giulia Baita. 

"I photograph energy, not people." - from The Fabric Thread

"Radiate" has been selected to be part of the The Beauty Myth exhibition which will take place in Milan, Italy at the Copernico Gallery.  I am one of 25 mobile artists whose work will make up the exhibition and am happy to invite you to attend. 


Exhibition:  15 May - 28 May 2019

Opening day:  15 May 2019 from 11h00 to 18h00

Workshop Mobile Art:   15 May 2019 from 13h30 - 14h30.

Venue: via Copernico 38, 20125 Milano, Italia. 

Admission is free but for the opening day registration is requested.

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