Entries in mira mobile prize (11)


Mira Mobile Prize 2021

I'm very happy to share that from thousands of entries from all corners of the world, one of my works has been selected by the jury as one of the 50 chosen pieces that will be exhibited in the MIRA Mobile Prize 2021 exhibition. 150 other highly rated works will be projected at the exhibition, which will this year take place in the marvellous Monastery of Salzedas in Portugal.  The theme this year was "At Home".

A book will later be published with all the selected works.  


Venue: Mosteiro de Santa Maria de Salzedas, Salzedas, 3610 Tarouca

Dates: 24 July 2021 - 31 October 2021

Opening: Saturday, 24 July 2021 at 14h30 


(To see my artworks currently available for online purchase, click here)


MIRA Mobile Prize 2020 B&W 10th Edition


Out of thousands of photos captured and edited with mobile devices for the Street Photography B&W theme for the Mira Mobile Prize 2020 10th Edition, an international jury with members Sukru Mehmet Omur, José Carlos Amoroso, Frédéric Deschênes,Claudia Contreras and Armineh Hovanesian selected 50 finalist photographs to be shown and 150 best classified photographs to be projected at the exhibition in Porto, Portugal. 

I am delighed that my entry is one of the 150 best classified photographs!

The opening will take place on September 25 at 9pm. 

Venue: MIRA FORUM, Rua de Miraflor, 155, 4300-334 Campanhã, Porto, Portugal

Date: 25 September 2020

Times: 9pm


Mira Mobile Prize 2019 

All alone in the crowd?

I'm very happy to share that “All alone in the crowd?” has been selected as one of the 150 pieces that will be projected in the gallery in the MIRA Mobile Prize 2019 exhibition.

Venue:    MIRA FORUM, Miraflor Street 155,  Porto, Portugal

Dates:    15 June 2019 - 27 July 2019

Opening: 15 June 2019 at 4 pm


Museu de Lamego to exhibit Mira Mobile Prize

Exciting news! The Mira Mobile Prize will be displayed in one of the most prestigious Portuguese museums, the Museu de Lamego.  The opening will take place on 29 August 2018, followed by a concert that will start a music festival frequented by young people.  The exhibition will be open until 14 October 2018.

I am one of the artsists whose work will be presented and am honored that "Flashing by!" will be exhibited.

Venue:  Museu de Lamego, Largo de Camões 5100-147, Lamego

Dates:  29 August 2018 - 14 October 2018

   Exhibition extended until 31 October 2018

Opening:  29 August at 9 pm

Flashing by!


MIRA Mobile Prize 2018


Flashing by!

I'm very happy to share that from more than 5000 entries, "Flashing by!" has been selected as one of the 50 chosen pieces that will be exhibited in the MIRA Mobile Prize 2018 exhibition. 150 other highly rated works will be projected in the gallery. 

Venue: MIRA FORUM, Miraflor Street 155,  Porto, Portugal

Dates: 16 June 2018 - 28 July 2018

Opening: 16 June 2018 at 3 pm